Greece to chair OECD’s Global Strategy Group

Τhe OECD Council has agreed οn April 20th, 2021 on the appointment of the Greek Minister of Digital Governance, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, to be the Chair of the Global Strategy Group. This designation will formally take place at the next GSG meeting in November 2021, to be organised by Greece. The Greek Minister will succeed Marie-Gabrielle Incichen-Fleisch from Switzerland, Chair of the Global Strategy Group since 2018.

The Global Strategy Group, which consists of Deputy Ministers, Secretaries General and other prominent officials, aims at facilitating the cooperation between the Member States of OECD. The GSG also contributes to the preparation of the yearly Ministerial Councils of the OECD, adopting however a more long-term perspective.

The Global Strategy Group has succeeded the Executive Committee in Special Session (ESCC). ESCC has been transformed into GSG in 2012, following the proposal of Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen from Denmark, who was the first President of the Group. The new formation of the Global Strategy Group meant to become more strategic and global. Among the issues discussed in GSG sessions were the future of jobs and trade in a digitalised world, policy-making and international co-operation in a post-crisis global economic system, and designing and implementing a more sustainable and inclusive Recovery Plan while updating the broader OECD vision.

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